How This Course Will Help You?

In this course, you will explore math concepts based on real-life scenarios, rather than using a textbook approach. You will learn to understand math concepts and processes rather than just memorizing procedures.

Even on everyday calculations, there are common mistakes that people make because a part of the thought process gets overlooked, and this leads to making wrong decisions. In this course, you will learn to avoid such errors and misconceptions so you can make the right decision.

Fake news is on the rise, and it can look credible when it presents so-called "data" to back it up. In this course, you will learn to recognize biased presentations of data and avoid being fooled.

Course Curriculum

  • 2

    Everyday Mathematics

    • Introduction

    • Buying in Bulk

    • A Dog's Running Time

    • Car Mileage

    • Quiz #1

  • 3

    Percentages and Exponential Growth

    • Introduction

    • Basic Scenarios with Percentages

    • Percent Gains and Losses

    • Sales Commissions

    • Markup and Margin

    • Quiz on Percentages

    • Beyond the Numbers: Buy One, Get One vs 50% Off

    • Compound Interest

    • Bonus Info: Depreciation in Accounting

    • Bacterial Growth

    • Quiz on Exponential Growth

    • Beyond the Numbers: What Limits Growth?


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who is this course made for?

    This course is primarily made for math educators who want to equip their students to apply their lessons to everyday life. This course will also be useful for students who want to see how math is used in real-life scenarios.

  • I’m a coach/participant of math contests. Will this course help me?

    This course was not developed for contest practice. But some contest questions require students to extend concepts to non-textbook applications, so there may be some overlap.

  • Can I use a calculator? Or do I have to do the numbers on paper?

    In the real world, nobody will stop you from using a calculator. Go ahead and use one.